Well last week I was sick so we stayed home quite a few days but i am doing better and all is well! This week we have really been focusing on finding new investigators and making our non progressing investigators progress!
We have found lots of new investigators this week and are excited to see them progress! WE are just working hard here in our area and going to see some great changes and progression!
Sorry not much time to email this week our emailing time got changed from 2 hours to 1 hour now so i am adjusting to that.
Well one funny story i woke up one morning and went to the CR (Comfort room/ Bathroom) as i am closing the door i see something move out of the corner of my eye and turn around and there is this huge spider on the wall and i screamed and ran out! oh man that gave me a heart attack! you can see the picture down below! that is one thing i will never get used to is their giant spiders!
This lady in our branch was teaching us how to weave little boxes out of palm tree leaves!
Sorry such a mixed and confusing email but enjoy the pictures and know that i am doing great and hope all of you are well! Love you all have a good week!
-Sister Thayn
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